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Image by Miguel A Amutio

Transformative Inclusion Strategy Elevates Corporate Culture and Talent Engagement

Diversity is a fact while inclusion is a perception. Inclusion is the "big idea" in business and society today as it is a key source/driver of innovation and engagement. While gender diversity is important, a focus on generational diversity is gaining importance due to the aging population in some countries.
The power of inclusive workplaces is untapped in many organisations.

  • Inclusion audit 

  • Employment of people with special needs

  • Manager training 

  • Reverse mentoring

  • Unconscious bias training

  • Career development for Women

Our Approach to Building an Inclusive Organisation

Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance. 

- Verna Myers

Our approach to creating an inclusive workplace is unique. We focus on systemic change, which requires aligning all organisational levers.


We begin with an inclusion audit that gathers feedback from various employee segments. We identify factors that drive inclusion and factors that hinder it. The feedback could highlight behaviours, policies, practices, or cultural norms present or absent at the workplace. We use this data to design and implement comprehensive actions, including policy revisions, mindset changes, skill-building for managers and employees, leadership development, etc. 

Typical questions our clients ask us:

  • How can I create an inclusive work environment that harnesses the team's collective intelligence?

  • How can I prepare my organisation and managers to employ persons with special needs?

  • How can managers demonstrate inclusive behaviour across a multi-generational workforce?

  • How do we engage a multi-generational workforce with diverse needs, preferences, and perspectives?

  • How do I build a strong pipeline of women leaders and minimise leakage leading to the missing rungs?

4 practical steps to ReThink Inclusion using our 'Design Group' methodology


Conduct 'Design Groups'


Identify Micro and Major Affirmations


Ascertain Factors that Drive or Deter Inclusion


Commit to Embed an Inclusive Culture 

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